Tocharian languages

Tocharian languages
Spoken in Tarim Basin in Central Asia
Extinct 9th century AD
Language family
  • Tocharian languages
Writing system Tocharian script
Language codes
ISO 639-3 either:
xto – Tocharian A
txb – Tocharian B

Tocharian (or Tokharian) is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family. The name comes from Greek (Ptolemy VI, 11, 6, 2nd cent. AD) Tócharoi (Ancient Greek: Τόχαροι), itself taken from Indo-Iranian (cf. Old Persian tuxāri-, Khotanese ttahvāra, and Sanskrit tukhāra). The Tocharians are sometimes identified with the Yuezhi and the Kushans. The term Tokharistan usually refers to 1st millennium Bactria, which the Kushans ruled. A Turkic text refers to the Turfanian language (Tocharian A) as toxrï (twγry). Interpretation is difficult, but Friedrich W. K. Müller has associated this with the name of the Bactrian Tokharoi.

Two branches of Tocharian are known from documents dating from the 3rd to 9th centuries AD:

Both languages were once spoken in the Tarim Basin in Chinese Turkestan, now known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. They became extinct when their speakers were either absorbed or exterminated by the expanding Uyghur tribes.



Phonetically, Tocharian is a "centum" Indo-European language, meaning that it merges the palatovelar consonants (*ḱ, *ǵ, *ǵʰ) of Proto Indo-European with the plain velars (*k, *g, *gʰ). Centum languages are mostly found in western and southern Europe (Greek, Italic, Celtic, Germanic) and the number of isoglosses between Tocharian and several Western European languages is stunning, considering the geographical separation and total lack of cultural contact. In that sense, Tocharian (to some extent like the Greek and the Anatolian languages) seems to have been an isolate in the "satem" (i.e. palatovelar to sibilant) phonetic regions of Indo-European-speaking populations. The discovery of Tocharian contributed to doubts that Proto-Indo-European had originally split into western and eastern branches.[1][2]



Note that the above consonantal values are largely based on the writing of Sanskrit/Prakrit loanwords. A retroflex value for /ʂ/ is particularly suspect as it is derived from palatalized /s/; it was probably a low-frequency sibilant /ʃ/ (like German spelling sch), as opposed to the higher-frequency sibilant /ɕ/ (like Mandarin Pinyin spelling x).

Writing system

Tocharian is documented in manuscript fragments, mostly from the 8th century (with a few earlier ones) that were written on palm leaves, wooden tablets and Chinese paper, preserved by the extremely dry climate of the Tarim Basin. Samples of the language have been discovered at sites in Kucha and Karasahr, including many mural inscriptions.

Tocharian A and B are not intercomprehensible. Properly speaking, based on the tentative interpretation of toxrï as related to Tocharoi, only Tocharian A may be referred to as Tocharian, while Tocharian B could be called Kuchean (its native name may have been kuśiññe), but since their grammars are usually treated together in scholarly works, the terms A and B have proven useful. A common Proto-Tocharian language must precede the attested languages by several centuries, probably dating to the 1st millennium BC. Given the small geographical range of and the lack of secular texts in Tocharian A, it might alternatively have been a liturgical language, the relationship between the two being similar to that between Classical Chinese and Mandarin. However, the lack of a secular corpus in Tocharian A is by no means definite, due to the fragmentary preservation of Tocharian texts in general.

Most of the script in Tocharian was a derivative of the Brahmi alphabetic syllabary (abugida) and is referred to as slanting Brahmi, However a smaller amount was written in the Manichaean script in which Manichaean texts were recorded.[3][4] It soon became apparent that a large proportion of the manuscripts were translations of known Buddhist works in Sanskrit and some of them were even bilingual, facilitating decipherment of the new language. Besides the Buddhist and Manichaean religious texts, there were also monastery correspondence and accounts, commercial documents, caravan permits, medical and magical texts, and one love poem.

In 1998, Chinese linguist Ji Xianlin published a translation and analysis of fragments of a Tocharian Maitreyasamiti-Nataka discovered in 1974 in Yanqi.[5][6][7]


Tocharian has completely re-worked the nominal declension system of Proto-Indo-European. The only cases inherited from the proto-language are nominative, genitive, and accusative; in Tocharian the old accusative is known as the oblique case. In addition to these three cases, however, each Tocharian language has six cases formed by the addition of an invariant suffix to the oblique case. For example, the Tocharian A word käṣṣi "teacher" is declined as follows:

Case Suffix Singular Plural
Nominative käṣṣi käṣṣiñ
Genitive käṣṣiyāp käṣṣiśśi
Oblique käṣṣiṃ käṣṣis
Instrumental -yo käṣṣinyo käṣṣisyo
Perlative käṣṣinā käṣṣisā
Comitative -aśśäl käṣṣinaśśäl käṣṣisaśśäl
Allative -ac käṣṣinac käṣṣisac
Ablative -äṣ käṣṣinäṣ käṣṣisäṣ
Locative -aṃ käṣṣinaṃ käṣṣisaṃ

Cultural significance

The existence of the Tocharian languages and alphabet was not even suspected until archaeological exploration of the Tarim basin by Aurel Stein in the early 20th century brought to light fragments of manuscripts in an unknown language.[8]

This language, now known as Tocharian, turned out to belong to a hitherto unknown branch of Indo-European. The discovery of Tocharian has upset some theories about the relations of Indo-European languages and revitalized their study.

The Tocharian languages are a major geographic exception to the usual pattern of Centum branches, being the only one that spread directly east from the theoretical Indo-European starting point in the Pontic steppe. One theory, following the "wave" theory of Johannes Schmidt, suggests that the Satem isogloss represents a linguistic innovation within the heart of the Proto-Indo-European home range, which would thus see the distribution of the Centum languages as simply representing linguistic conservatism along the eastern and western peripheries of the Proto-Indo-European home range.

Tocharian probably died out after 840, when the Uyghurs were expelled from Mongolia by the Kyrgyz, retreating to the Tarim Basin. This theory is supported by the discovery of translations of Tocharian texts into Uyghur. During Uyghur rule, the peoples mixed with the Uyghurs to produce much of the modern population of what is now Xinjiang.

The Afanasevo culture is a strong candidate for being the earliest attested representative for speakers of the Tocharian languages.

Comparison to other Indo-European languages

Tocharian vocabulary (sample)
Tocharian A Tocharian B Ancient Greek Sanskrit Latin Gothic Old Irish Proto-Indo-European English
sas ṣe heĩs, hen sakṛ́t semel simle samail PToch *sems ← *sḗm one/once (cf. simple)
wu wi duo dvā́ duo twái *duoh₁ two
tre trai treis tráyas trēs þreis trí *tréi̯es three
śtwar śtwer téssares catvā́ras, catúras quattuor fidwōr cethair *kʷetu̯óres four
päñ piś pénte páñca quīnque fimf cóic *pénkʷe five
ṣäk ṣkas héx ṣáṣ sex saihs *su̯éḱs six
ṣpät ṣukt heptá saptá septem sibun secht *septḿ̥ seven
okät okt oktṓ aṣṭáu, aṣṭá octō ahtau ocht *h₃eḱtéh₃(u) eight
ñu ñu ennéa náva novem niun noí *h₁néun̥ nine
śäk śak déka dáśa decem taihun deich *déḱm̥t ten
känt kante hekatón śatām centum hund cét *ḱm̥tóm hundred
pācar pācer patḗr pitā́ pater fadar athair *ph₂tḗr father
mācar mācer mḗtēr mātā́ mater mōdar máthair *méh₂tēr mother
pracar procer phrā́tēr[* 1] bhrātar- frāter brōþar bráthair *bʰréh₂tēr brother
ṣar ṣer héor[* 1] svásar- soror swistar siur *swésōr sister
yuk yakwe híppos áśva- equus aiƕs ech *h₁éḱʷos (horse)[* 2]
ko keu boũs gaúṣ bōs[* 3] (OE ) *gʷeh₃us ~ *gʷh₃eum̥ cow
vak vek épos[* 1] vāk vōx (Du gewag) foccul[* 1] *u̯ṓkʷs (voice)[* 3]
ñom ñem ónoma nāman- nōmen namō ainmm *h₃néh₃-mn name
mālkā mālkant amélgein mulgēre miluks bligid (MIr) *h₂melǵ-ei̯e to milk
  1. ^ a b c d Cognate, with shifted meaning
  2. ^ English meaning, unrelated word (cf. Old English eoh)
  3. ^ a b Borrowed cognate, not native.

See also

Indo-European topics

Albanian · Armenian · Baltic
Celtic · Germanic · Greek
Indo-Iranian (Indo-Aryan, Iranian)
Italic · Slavic  

extinct: Anatolian · Paleo-Balkan (Dacian,
Phrygian, Thracian· Tocharian

Vocabulary · Phonology · Sound laws · Ablaut · Root · Noun · Verb
Europe: Balts · Slavs · Albanians · Italics · Celts · Germanic peoples · Greeks · Paleo-Balkans (Illyrians · Thracians · Dacians·

Asia: Anatolians (Hittites, Luwians)  · Armenians  · Indo-Iranians (Iranians · Indo-Aryans)  · Tocharians  

Homeland · Society · Religion
Abashevo culture · Afanasevo culture · Andronovo culture · Baden culture · Beaker culture · Catacomb culture · Cernavodă culture · Chasséen culture · Chernoles culture · Corded Ware culture · Cucuteni-Trypillian culture · Dnieper-Donets culture · Gumelniţa-Karanovo culture · Gushi culture · Karasuk culture · Kemi Oba culture · Khvalynsk culture · Kura-Araxes culture · Lusatian culture · Kurgan · Koban · Kura-Araxes  · Shulaveri-Shomu · Colchian · Trialeti  · Maykop culture · Leyla-Tepe culture · Jar-Burial · Khojaly-Gadabay  · Middle Dnieper culture  · Narva culture · Novotitorovka culture · Poltavka culture · Potapovka culture · Samara culture  · Seroglazovo culture  · Sredny Stog culture · Srubna culture · Terramare culture · Usatovo culture · Vučedol culture  · Yamna culture


  1. ^ Renfrew, Colin Archaeology and language (1990), pg 107
  2. ^ Baldi, Philip The Foundations of Latin (1999), pg 39
  3. ^ Daniels (1996), p. 531
  4. ^ Campbell (2000), p. 1666
  5. ^ "Fragments of the Tocharian", Andrew Leonard, How the World Works,, January 29, 2008
  6. ^ "Review of 'Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nataka of the Xinjiang Museum, China. In Collaboration with Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault by Ji Xianlin'", J. C. Wright, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 62, No. 2 (1999), pp. 367–370
  7. ^ "Fragments of the Tocharian a Maitreyasamiti-Nataka of the Zinjiang Museum, China", Ji Xianlin, Werner Winter, Georges-Jean Pinault, Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs
  8. ^ Deuel, Leo. 1970. Testaments of Time, ch. XXI, pp. 425–455. Baltimore, Pelican Books. Orig. publ. Knopf, NY, 1965.


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